Sunday, August 26, 2012

New page: Daily codes! And Blaze's Blog

Hey everyone, Advtech here. 

Every day, I will add 3 to 5 codes on here for you guys to use! Once you have used them, and it has been confirmed that you were the first and only to use the code, please post in the comments of that post that you have used the code.

Next, we have blazes blog, he referred it to us, so we took a look at it, its cool. link to the right, no need to put it here.

So check it out!


  1. Thanks for posting my blog! I just added yours to mine, too! And what kind of codes will these be? KIfreegames?


    1. Yes, the codes will be KI free games, of course! Kingsisle would never give us codes, because we aren't "committed" to their "project" meaning, i would have to make a full website and pay full for the website to stay in order.
